Friday, March 9, 2012

Manchester School of Architecture: Portfolio

Ever since I began the thought of studying architecture, my mind often hovered over the universities in the UK. Part of the reason is because I want to expand my cultural exposure to outside of Asia, and another is my innate identity to the UK from growing up in Hong Kong. I chose the Manchester School of Architecture as my top choice because its course design is exactly the way I want to pursue my studies in Architecture. I want to first develop a way of thinking and unique perception of architects, then to continue further studies through project studios and research – such course design was not found in any other universities.

A photograph I took of the Seed Cathedral and its surrounding space.
During the summer of 2010, I had the privilege of visiting the Shanghai World Expo just outside of my doorstep. The Seed Cathedral (British Pavilion) was definitely an eye-opener for me. In contrast with other big pavilions such as Germany’s Balancity or Switzerland’s cable car, the Seed Cathedral used purely simplicity in its design and was somehow able to catch my attention the most. The use of purely glass fibre on the façade gave a rather gentle feeling like that of a dandelion instead of an aggressive effect. Also, the surrounding was a large vacant area covered with light grey artificial grass on slopes. As I lay down on one of the slopes and gazed back at the pavilion, the tranquillity of the overall ambiance highlighted this architecture to me.

Long before I started applying to universities, I watched a documentary series on architecture and cultures. My most memorable episode was about architect Sir Norman Foster’s design of the Milau Viaduct and the London Millennium Bridge. I admire Foster’s architectures because he puts great emphasis on the engineering perspective and incorporates the structural elements as part of his designs, creating modern, complex, and aesthetically pleasing architectures. Foster + Partners was also the chief architect group that designed the Hong Kong International Airport, a world-class airport and one that I identify as home. Also to my utmost surprise while I was researching about the university, Sir Norman Foster was one of the notable alumni of the Manchester School of Architecture; that became my final confirmation to study here.

Casa Malaparte (Image from:
There are numerous works of architecture that I would like to experience in person because pictures on the Internet or books can never convey the accurate ambiance created by a building. One of the works I would love to visit is Casa Malaparte, designed by Adalberto Libera. When I was first introduced to it, I was intrigued by its sharp color and shape contrast with the cliff site. I thought the placement of the staircase and rooftop usage was a very unique design, somehow unexplainably different from that of other typical buildings. I want to visit Casa Malaparte to experience what architect Libera’s intention was when he decided to place the white descending wall on the rooftop, and designed every other aspect of the building.


  1. The students whom chooses the architecture course of essay writing assignment for them selves help them to show their talent and skill in-front of the world by designing the new styles of building which become an iconic element for them selves and for their future and also help them in their earning process.

  2. At first look, I could not understand while writing an essay what is picture really looking like as it is like a big bubble but when I read the post so I came to know the real meaning of arts and came to know that how we need to show others that is in our mind.
